Start Weight: 365.4
Last Week's Weight: 311.6
Current Weight: 309.6
This Week’s Weight Loss: 2lbs
Total Weight Loss: 55.8lbs
Miles Biked this Week: 17.3
Total Miles Biked: 1990.1
Miles to Go: 5509.9
GEOGRAPHY (Where I'd be on the map
having started at my house in Salt Lake City, Utah, heading for Tokyo):
Pacific Ocean (1279 miles off
the west coast. I am heading for the Hawaiian Islands)
The Weeks Workout
Monday: GYM + 8.7 miles
Tuesday: GYM
Wednesday: GYM
Thursday: GYM
Friday: REST
Saturday: GYM + 8.6
Less than 10 pounds away from
becoming a member of the “200 Club!” It is surreal! I used to dream about this,
but it was so far away. This is more than exciting! Again, it’s all about Pain
and Restraint, ha ha!
I got a good 5 days in at the
gym, got a little biking in, and did some good walking (PAIN.) Also had a few
Christmas parties this week at work and church, so it’s taken some self control
to keep at the 2000-calorie mark per day (RESTRAINT.)
I’ve felt that feeling you get
when you’re getting in the groove of motivation, and working hard, where you
push yourself just a little more cause you know that you will reap dividends.
Also, at the gym, I am trying to mix it up all the time so that my body gets something
different each day. I do need to improve on the “getting down on the floor”
stuff though. They have a circuit area at the gym where you alternate between
weights and cardio. The cardio is simply doing stuff with a stair stepper.
You’re either stepping up or getting down on the floor and back up. I think
that will really do me some good. This coming week I think I will do the
circuit a few times along with some stationary bike.
I’ve really got to start
racking up the mileage. I’ll come up with a plan and then go for it. I am going
to set a goal to get over a 100 miles at the gym this week. That means I’ve got
to be on the bike at least an hour every day. With 5500 miles more to go in the
next 8 months, that is 687 miles a month, or 171 miles per week. That’s a lot
of pedaling, but, I think I can be doing some long rides on the weekends, and
working on getting 20 miles a day during the week.
As you recall my goal a few
weeks back was:
By December
31, 2012, I will weigh-in in the 200’s, and leave the “300 Club” behind me in
the old year.
I set that goal at 317lbs. A few weeks later I am at
309.6. I am about half way there with a little over 3 weeks to go! We are on
course. Focus, focus, focus!
Every day is a step closer.
Decide what you want, and then take a step in the right direction. It may not
seem all that closer to your destination, but one day you’ll wake up and
realize that right over there…is the finish line…or your goal for the taking.
There is still a long road ahead. I am 30% the way there. At least I am on the
path, and at least I started.
Again, I had a church and
company Christmas party this week. They were all decked out with little
temptations here and there. I have to admit at the company party dessert at the
luncheon was this delectable pumpkin spice pudding. One of the waiters was
walking around pouring a little egg nog on top of the pudding. It was sooooo
good! I ate…and loved! There were opportunities to eat snacks, cookies, trail
mix, chocolate…and the list goes on and on. I ate at Subway a few times this
week and the cashier offered me a free cookie both times! One time I told her
I’d pass, the second time I took the cookie and gave it to a friend. Merry
Christmas! ;) So there were many opportunities, but I knew with each
opportunity, was a chance to make a “good” decision. I felt that I did that for
the most part this week.
Well, we all have another 3
weeks of the Christmas holidays left. I plan on making each week as good as
this week. WHAT, and miss all the yummy things to eat? Well, it means more to
me to be inducted into the “200 Club” than feed my face on stuff that really
doesn’t matter. At my company party, there was a bowl of fruit, and so despite
all the temptation, there was always another path I could take to get me where
I want to go!
No filming this week.
Pedal without a candy cane in your mouth!
Congrats on your success!! Good job on passing the junk up so you can reach your goals. Free cookies are never free!!!